Greetings Mortal.

Welcome to my blog. Read at your own peril.

Jewelry Class

It's 12:40 at night. Consider two things:

1) 12:40 at night far surpasses my bedtime, and

2) anything less than 8 hours of sleep a night and I get cranky.

So why am I up this late? Because I wasted my time completing the most mindless assignment ever. In my Jewelry class (a class geared specifically towards shiny things and improper blow-torch use) I am required to keep a sketchbook. This sketchbook is in no way related to any jewelry whatsoever, yet it is a core requirement of my Jewelry class. What did I draw in it, you ask? Well, for starters, I drew a shoe. Then I drew a computer monitor. Then i drew a bass guitar. Then I threw the sketchbook on the floor, whereupon my evil legion of cats (my one cat, Bert Reynolds) responded to my bidding by tearing it to the worthless shreds it was destined to be. Stupid sketchbook. I think tomorrow I am going to weld it to my Jewelry teachers face to give him a proper respect for it.

Bullocks, I'm off to bed.

Gloom (MTG)